Menjalankan Comfiz Fusion di Ubuntu Gutsy

Bagi Anda Pengguna Kartu Grafis ATI X200M Radeon tidak perlu pusing lagi jika ingin mencoba default 3D Desktop yaitu comfiz fusion, untuk menjalankan Comfiz di Ubuntu Gutsy Anda tinggal mengikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini:

1). Instal Xgl
Umumnya Ini masalah utama menggunakan Kartu grafis ATI Radeon, karena driver fglrx tidak mensupport feature bawaan dari Comfizfusion pada ubuntu. oleh karena itu kita membutuhkan Xgl untuk menjalankannya.

sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl

2).Kemudian langkah selanjutanya menginstal CompizConfig Settings Manager(CCSM)

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

setelah itu reboot komputer anda.
Hanya dengan dua langkah dia atas anda susah dapat menjalankan berbagai effect yang ada pada Comfiz Fusion.
kemudian langsung jalan deh comfiz terserah anda mau effectnya seperti tinggal setting aja
System > Preferences > >Advanced Desktop Effects Settings.

Berikut ini beberapa kombinasi variasi tombol pada keyboard untuk menjalankan plugin comfiz fusion:

Switch windows = Alt + Tab

Arrange and View All Windows = F12 turns on or off; clicking a window will zoom it to the front

Arrange and View All Windows (gnome-window-decorator, not cgwd) = Ctrl + Shift + Up turns on; clicking a window will zoom it to the front,
or select window using arrows and release Ctrl + Shift

Arrange and View Windows of the Same Application = F11 turns on or off; clicking a window will zoom it to the front

Slow Motion = Shift + F10

Switch desktops on cube = Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Arrow

Switch desktops on cube - with active window following = Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/Right Arrow

Flatten Cube - Ctrl + Alt + Page Down, then Left/Right Arrows to switch desktops

Flatten Cube (gnome-window-decorator, not cgwd) - Ctrl + Alt + Down, then Left/Right Arrows to switch desktops

Rotate desktop cube = Ctrl + Alt + Left-click on wallpaper and drag

Display svg picture on top of cube = modify gconf db,add svg files to /apps/compiz/plugins/cube/screen0/options/svgs (restart needed)

Make window translucent/opaque (built-in) = Alt + mouse wheel up/down

Make window translucent/opaque (with the opacity plugin) = Ctrl + Shift + Scroll,
or right-click the window's title bar and select Opacity (seems to be absent in current compiz cvs.)

Zoom-in once = Super-key right-click

Zoom-in manually = Super-key + wheel mouse up

Zoom-out manually = Super-key + wheel mouse down

Move window = Alt + left-click

Snap Move window (will stick to borders) = Shift during move (either by Alt + left-click or by title bar)

Resize window = Alt + right-click

Resize window (gnome-window-decorator, not cgwd) = Alt + middle-click

Water Effect = Ctrl + Super-key (I have to press the Ctrl key first) - (depends on water plugin)

Rain = Shift + F9 (Requires the water plugin)

Catatan: Super-key sama dengan tombol windows

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